Five people representing four of the PHAROS institutions collaborated on preparing a presentation about PHAROS for the recent CIDOC meeting in New Delhi. (Here is a link to conference website: http://www.cidoc2015.in/ ) David Farneth (Getty) provided an overview of the project, Regine Stein (Bildarchiv Foto Marburg) demonstrated the benefits of aggregated metadata and image recognition software, and Reem Weda (Netherlands Institute for Art History), discussed their research into using rapid-capture scanning technology to digitize their photo archive. Francesca Mambelli and Francesca Tomasi from Fondazione Zeri provided slides and text to enhance the technical discussion. Regine had a bad cold and could not speak very well, so thanks go to Emmanuelle Delmas-Glass from the Yale Center for British Art, who graciously stepped in at the last minute to read Regine's presentation.
Read the conference paper here